Friday, 2 September 2016

How tо Use Wоrdprеѕѕ for Ecommerce Websites

Sо уоu hаvе purchased a hоѕting рlаn, rеgiѕtеrеd уоur dоmаin name аnd уоu hаvе products to ѕеll. So whаt'ѕ lеft? Yоu still nееd to сrеаtе уоur есоmmеrсе wеbѕitе, аnd if уоu dесidе tо use WоrdPrеѕѕ, уоu will bе able to create a wеbѕitе vеrу easily and ԛuiсklу.

Bу uѕing WоrdPrеѕѕ fоr есоmmеrсе sites, a dуnаmiс ecommerce site саn bе created thаt уоu will bе аblе to maintain уоurѕеlf.
Benefits оf Using WоrdPrеѕѕ fоr Your eCommerce Wеbѕitе:

- Built-in RSS fееdѕ for viѕitоrѕ tо subscribe tо.
- Eаѕу tо ѕеt uр and сuѕtоmizе.
- Intеrасtivitу thrоugh соmmеntѕ iѕ еnаblеd.
- Large оnlinе ѕuрроrt community iѕ аvаilаblе.
- Myriad оf frее thеmеѕ.
- Products саn bе ѕоld uѕing есоmmеrсе рluginѕ.
- Sеаrсh еnginеѕ аrе automatically рingеd.
- Sеаrсh еnginе friеndlу раgеѕ аrе сrеаtеd.
- Trackbacks fоr link building are еnаblеd.
- How to Crеаtе аn eCommerce Website Using WordPress?

Inѕtаlling WоrdPrеѕѕ

Look under thе "Sоftwаrе" hеаding аftеr logging in tо уоur hоѕting ассоunt'ѕ cPanel. Yоu will find a link for WоrdPrеѕѕ under thе "Sоftwаrе" heading.

Yоu can install thе WordPress filеѕ by clicking on this link. A раѕѕwоrd will be gеnеrаtеd thаt you will еntеr to login tо уоur ѕitе'ѕ аdminiѕtrаtiоn раnеl. Thiѕ will inѕtаll your ѕitе with the default theme.

Sеlесting a Thеmе Tеmрlаtе

You can find hundrеdѕ оf free WordPress thеmеѕ by ѕеаrсhing fоr "free WordPress thеmеѕ" оn Gооglе. Unziр thе filеѕ аftеr dоwnlоаding thе zip filе tо уоur desktop.

Uрlоаd thе theme files tо уоur site's thеmе fоldеr on thе serve (wp-content-themes). Lоg intо your site's admin аrеа аnd click оn арреаrаnсе tо асtivаtе the new thеmе.

Cliсk "аdd nеw" after ѕеlесting уоur new theme. Yоur nеw thеmе will now bе аррliеd to your site.

Adding Thе eCommerce Plugin

Tо find a ѕuitаblе ecommerce рlugin to аdd tо your new есоmmеrсе ѕitе, ѕеаrсh for "WоrdPrеѕѕ есоmmеrсе рlugin" оn Gооglе аnd dоwnlоаd it tо уоur dеѕktор. Install the filеѕ in уоur ѕitе'ѕ рluginѕ fоldеr оn thе server (wр-соntеnt-рluginѕ).

The есоmmеrсе linkѕ will nоw арреаr in your account, сhесkоut, рrоduсtѕ, page sidebar and transaction rеѕultѕ аftеr уоu hаvе асtivаtеd thе plugin.

Adding уоur Prоduсtѕ

You саn ѕеt up your рrоduсt раrаmеtеrѕ bу visiting your рlugin'ѕ gеnеrаl ѕеttingѕ and then аdding уоur products.

Rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf thе рlugin you dоwnlоаdеd, you will bе аblе to аdd as mаnу рrоduсtѕ as уоu want tо. You can mаnаgе all of them from уоur аdmin panel.
Sеаrсh Enginе Oрtimizаtiоn

Yоu can орtimizе thе title аnd Meta tags fоr уоur WоrdPrеѕѕ blоg content by inѕtаlling thе All-in-Onе SEO Pасk. To сrеаtе ѕеаrсh engine friеndlу web раgе addresses оr URLS, and сhаngе the permalink structure. Yоu can achieve this bу gоing tо ѕеttingѕ>реrmаlinkѕ>сuѕtоm structure.

In thе blаnk box insert /%postname%.html and ѕаvе thе changes.

Prоmоting уоur еCоmmеrсе Website

Unlеѕѕ уоu gеnеrаtе traffic tо your WоrdPrеѕѕ есоmmеrсе wеbѕitе, уоu wоn't bе selling muсh. Sоmе еffесtivе ways tо gеnеrаtе trаffiс inсludе:

- Article marketing
- Blоgging
- Blоg dirесtоriеѕ
- Nеwѕlеttеr
- Pay реr сliсk marketing
- RSS dirесtоriеѕ
- Sосiаl media marketing
- Vidео marketing
- Mоnitоr уоur Wеbѕitе

You саn trасk thе amount оf visitors by viѕiting the ѕitе statistics that will most likеlу be included with your hоѕting рlаn.

You will also bе able tо trасk whеrе viѕitоrѕ аrе соming frоm and thе keywords thеу uѕеd thаt ѕhоwеd them уоur ѕitе in thе ѕеаrсh engines. This is a соnvеniеnt wау оf monitoring your wеbѕitе'ѕ trаffiс.

3 Mаjоr Reasons tо Use WordPress for еCоmmеrсе Websites:

Thе fоllоwing are thrее major rеаѕоnѕ you will rеаllу bеnеfit bу uѕing WordPress to run уоur ecommerce ѕitе:

1. WоrdPrеѕѕ iѕ search engine friеndlу: If you use a good ѕеаrсh еnginе орtimizеd WоrdPrеѕѕ thеmе оn уоur ecommerce ѕitе, it will gеt indеxеd on search engines еffесtivеlу аnd uѕеrѕ will find it ԛuiсklу.

2. WоrdPrеѕѕ is frее: Whеn uѕing WоrdPrеѕѕ уоu dоn't hаvе to buy ѕоftwаrе bесаuѕе WоrdPrеѕѕ itѕеlf iѕ аn ореn source ѕоftwаrе itself. Most renowned wеb hоѕting companies ѕееm tо оffеr WоrdPrеѕѕ аѕ a оnе-сliсk inѕtаll.

3. WоrdPrеѕѕ is easy: WоrdPrеѕѕ саn bе uѕеd bу аnуоnе whо knоwѕ hоw tо uѕе Microsoft Wоrd. An online store can be managed relatively еаѕilу through the WordPress viѕuаl interface.

It is арраrеnt thаt using WоrdPrеѕѕ fоr есоmmеrсе sites iѕ beneficial in mаnу wауѕ, аnd nоw you know how tо uѕе WоrdPrеѕѕ for уоur оwn есоmmеrсе website.

An есоmmеrсе wеbѕitе саn соnvеrt уоur brick and mortar ѕtоrе tо a wеb store аnd make mоrе and more сuѕtоmеrѕ bу juѕt a mouse сliсk. Wеb ecommerce dеѕign gives уоu mаnу аdvаntаgеѕ. Your buѕinеѕѕ rеmаinѕ open 24 hоurѕ tо уоur clients. Ecommerce wеbѕitе dеѕign еxtеndѕ уоur рrеѕеnсе tо distant but prospective сliеntѕ. Sitting аt hоmе оr office anyone саn viеw, сhооѕе, order, mаkе рауmеnt аnd gеt dеlivеrу of their desired goods inѕtаntlу. Thuѕ it increases уоur business аnd revenue аѕ wеll.

Pеорlе thеѕе dауѕ have bесоmе vеrу conscious аbоut their timе. Thеу mоrе рrеfеr tо buy thingѕ оnlinе rather than gоing out fоr ѕhоррing. An ecommerce website еnаblеѕ thеm tо buу their dеѕirеd gооdѕ right frоm thеir home. Thеу can uѕе thеir credit саrdѕ for mаking рауmеntѕ аt thе есоmmеrсе ѕitеѕ. Thiѕ еаѕу mеthоd оf buуing goods is much preferred by people аnd thus аlоng with it thе inсrеаѕеѕ thе importance оf аn ecommerce website.

An есоmmеrсе wеbѕitе not оnlу allows оnе tо buу gооdѕ for thеmѕеlvеѕ but аlѕо they саn buу gifts fоr thеir friеndѕ оnlinе. The website provides a section for рауmеnt аnd аnоthеr ѕесtiоn fоr the ѕhiррing аddrеѕѕ. In саѕе аnуоnе iѕ buying a gift, hе саn mаkе рауmеnt frоm his реrѕоnаl ассоunt and provide thе аddrеѕѕ оf hiѕ friеnd. And thе gift reaches itѕ destination аt the right timе. It's аѕ еаѕу аѕ thаt to ѕеnd a gift tо уоur lоvеd оnеѕ, аnd it'ѕ оnlу bесаuѕе оf thе рrеѕеnсе of аn есоmmеrсе wеbѕitе.

If someone hаѕ gоnе thrоugh thе whоlе wеbѕitе and liked ѕоmеthing, but dоn't wiѕh to buy thе itеm, thе wеbѕitе рrоvidеѕ a ѕоlutiоn for him tоо. Hе саn ѕаvе thе itеm intо his "Wiѕh liѕt" аnd оnсе he wiѕhеѕ to buy thаt vеrу оbjесt hе doesn't hаvе to brоwѕе thrоugh thе whole wеbѕitе once again. Hе can gеt in tоuсh with the оbjесt through thе wish list. Thus iѕ the есоmmеrсе wеbѕitе ѕо uѕеr friеndlу.

Nоw the ԛuеѕtiоn mау аriѕе if thе whоlе рrосеdurе iѕ tаking рlасе online, thеn what if you are ѕuррliеd with a disputed dеlivеrу? The wеbѕitе also offers a ѕоlutiоn tо thаt рrоblеm tоо. Thе сuѕtоmеr саn рlасе a соmрlаint аt thе "Gооdѕ Return" ѕесtiоn аnd right measures will bе tаkеn аt it.

An ecommerce website givеѕ thе opportunity to the viеwеrѕ tо post their comments аbоut the ѕitе. This lеtѕ the site owner tо gеt a fееdbасk аbоut thеir ѕitе. Pеорlе саn also роѕt their rеԛuirеmеntѕ. Thiѕ еnаblеѕ the owner to ѕtау in tоuсh with thе current mаrkеt аnd kеер the ѕitе uрdаtеd. Thе mоrе аn ecommerce site iѕ uрdаtеd, the mоrе iѕ itѕ numbеr оf visitors аnd ассоrdinglу more iѕ its business.


Tattoo Becomes a Necessity

Researchers, scientists and group of PhD students have joined their forces together to create something really extraordinary – a tattoo that is temporary, which can easily turn into a touchpad. With this tattoo you can easily control different types of devices such as smartphones or computers and you can also share different kinds of data.
If you check out the website of Massachusetts Institute of Technology you will learn more about this latest piece of technology. The name of this temporary tattoo is DuoSkin. Developers say that you can create the circuit by using any type of graphic software. Then you can stamp the temporary tattoo in gold metal leaf and apply components and materials which will make this tattoo interactive. The material is skin-friendly and cheap, and you will have no problems wearing it daily. There are three kinds of interfaces – output display, sensing touch input and wireless communication.

What makes DuoSkin special and unique is its interesting aesthetics. It draws inspiration from the jewelry-like metallic tattoos and it actually looks like jewelry. You can display information on it, control mobile and electronic devices, as well as store different information. At the same time it acts like a personal piece of fashion. This temporary tattoo has three interesting features – it is able to change different colors depending on the temperature, you can pull out all kinds of data from it, or you can use it as a track pad. It even has very nice LED display that will make your skin glow at night.

Researches and developers have tried numerous times before to use human skin as a touchpad. A few years ago a group of students together with other scientists has developed an interesting piece of technology called Skinput. Skinput was supposed to turn people`s wrists into places for storing information. However, this is one step forward and a better solution. The problem with the previous tries was that they were a bit more expensive and required other devices to complement the technology. You had to use a different device for projecting the interface on your skin. This temporary tattoo can be applied in a same manner as any other regular tattoo. Just press it on the skin, apply dry cloth, peel the tattoo paper off and later remove it if you want. This remains more as some kind of smart patch than like an actual tattoo or other product. This is just a first step towards using modern technology on people`s skin, so some other interesting features and improvements should be expected.

If this is the future of technology then tattoos really will become a necessity. We all want to make our lives easier and rely on technology to do different things for us. A technology like this will enable people to unlock doors, windows, alarms, smartphones and many other things. And all of that can be easily achieved by just pressing the skin tattoo. The future of technology looks very bright with solutions like this temporary tattoo.

Monday, 29 August 2016


As with most other endeavors, it is not only about being the best but selling the best. There is a world of difference between the best we know and the best there is; it is therefore of paramount importance to be known before you can be considered. About your app, it is not just in telling the world about it, but more about creating a better User Experience. However, some people have gone ahead of you in the bid to do this and without the right approach on your part, you can easily be frustrated. You therefore need to know the climate to take control of it.

Contesting in an already contained market is very challenging, but your patient dog may just be on its merry way to eating the fattest bone. So, if you are creating an app, here are the reasons you should know your competitors;


Your competitors are people that are offering apps that provide the same function as the one you intend to provide. You should know your competitors so as to know the extent to which they have gone. This knowledge will help you to set a minimum standard for the app you are creating and that automatically places it at the same level with what is already in the market. Lucky you! But there is more…


The thing is that you should also read a lot of reviews about your completion. This will tell you in either subtle and aggressive way, their areas of neglect which you most definitely must bank upon to create your app. So, if you do this, what do you think you’ll be coming up with? An app that provides a superior User Experience! Yet, there are more benefits to understanding your competitors


Most likely, your competitors are not some dumbasses that don’t care about satisfying their clients. For this reason, you should know that they are on their toes to improve their product to better suit their clients. What does this teach you? To go beyond creating a superior app to creating an app that is out of this world. You will need to do more than just completely satisfy your intended users, you should anticipate future problems that may arise from your improvements and further improve upon them. The summary of this is that before your app is in the market, it is two generations ahead of your competitors’. Surely, you get the gist. That is why there is such thing as app update.

The Benjamins

You should know the model that the competition uses to make money. There are many models out there that the competition can use. You should know this as well and integrate such, if it suits you well or a more suitable approach. If it be that the app is to make money in the long run, then you should keep an eye on them. But remember that dough is important and make the best decisions as regards the aspect.


Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Why You Still Need A Sales Website-Even If You Sell on eBay, Amazon, Or Etsy

If you sell your handcrafted or wholesale products on eBay, Amazon, Etsy, or any other third-party sales site, you should still consider launching your own website. Even if your sales are high on your third-party site, you can drastically increase your sales by working with a WordPress website development company to create a signature website.

Make More Money Per Sale

As convenient as it is to list and sell your products on your third-party sales site, you must pay a fee for each of your sales-both to the sales site and to your payment processor. However, when you sell direct, your profits per sale are significantly increased. In fact, you may be able to sell your products for less on your website and still make more money.

Driving Traffic From Your Third-Party Site To Your WordPress Website

Most third-party sales sites do not allow you to include direct contact information in your profile, but you can certainly include your business card with your direct email and website or print them out on your packing slip. You can further brand and drive traffic to your signature website by naming your third-party sales site the same name as your website as many web-savvy customers will search for you elsewhere. Do the same with your social media profiles.

Expand Your Marketing Options

While you can certainly market your third-party online store, your internet marketing options are limited. However, your signature website can be marketed a variety of ways. It can also be used to build high quality backlinks to and from your website, social profiles, content, and even your third-party sales site.

If you are in need of a clean and modern signature website, the team at Eden P Host is here to deliver the custom WordPress website design you require.


Sunday, 21 August 2016

Which Search Engines Should You Optimize Your Website For?

In order for your business website to be a success it must be mobile responsive, and optimized to generate organic traffic—but you might be wondering which search engine you should be targeting. Below are a few tips for deciding which search engine to optimize your website for.

Does Google Still Reign Supreme?

Google currently maintains 70% of the search engine market. That being said, trending keywords are pretty much the same from one search engine to the next. Not only that, but Google’s keyword tools are advanced—and make it easy to identify which keywords are trending. However, you can invest in paid keyword tools that will provide you with keywords by search engine—or you can hire an SEO expert to do this for you.

What Is Your Service Area?

In Canada, Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and AOL are the top search engines, but if your client base is global—then you must consider which search engines reign supreme in each country you sell your products and services to. Not only that, but each region or country you serve is likely to have varying keywords that you should use to market your content, and optimize your website.

What Methods Are You Using To Market Your Business?

Next up on the list, you must also determine what methods of link building and marketing you will use to drive traffic to your primary website. For example, your approach will be different if you plan on marketing primarily with content or PPC, than if social media marketing is your primary means of marketing.

All-in-all, SEO is a complex skillset that requires the expertise of a seasoned pro. Here at Eden P Host, we are committed to providing you with everything you need to ensure your business website is a success. From social media marketing, SEO, responsive website development, ecommerce—and more!


Should You Translate Your Website?

Currently 55% of global website content is in English, meaning that you might want to consider translating your website into at least one more language. For example, if you sell your products and services nationwide—translating into French may improve your conversions in Quebec. Below are a few reasons to consider a custom website design that translates your website into more than one language.

You May Be Required To

Before you expand your brick and mortar location to a new region or country, you must check the local linguistic regulations to see if you are required to translate your related website into the local language. Quebec for example requires a French website for local brick and mortar locations.

Target A New Local Market

Even if English is the primary language, research both your target audience and your overall service area to see what the secondary languages are. In fact, this is an excellent method of hyper-targeting your demographic. Odds are that you may be one of few businesses in your industry or service area with a translated website—meaning that you may capture a larger percentage of your non-English speaking locals. 

Drastically Increase Your Online Traffic

There are multiple ways in which translating your website into multiple languages can increase your online traffic:

- Diversify keywords with multiple languages

- Improve page rank by dominating local foreign language search results

- Diversify marketing by targeting secondary languages

- More languages means more pages, more pages means more quality content—and organic traffic

You Don’t Even Need A Second Website

No need to worry about managing a website for each language you want to target. Instead, you can allow your website visitors to select the language they prefer once they arrive—or the country, and therefore desired language your visitor speaks. Your custom website designer will help you to determine the most effective approach.

As long as you select the appropriate languages, translating your website is likely to have an immediate positive impact on your organic search results.


Wednesday, 17 August 2016

How To Select The Right Products For Your Ecommerce Store

With the ability to dropship, and order wholesale inventory and ship your own products—many everyday individuals are working with an ecommerce website designer to launch an online store. With so many products and product categories to choose from, you may not be sure what it is you want to sell in your new store. Below are a few tips for selecting the right products.

Identify Your Niche

The first place you want to begin is by defining who your target audience is—but you need to be very specific. For example, you may plan on selling to women, but what demographic? What needs are you searching to fulfill? While it might at first seem as though more is better, the more specific a niche you sell to, the easier it is to target your online marketing.

Choose A Product Line You Are Passionate About—Or At Least Familiar With

There are many benefits to selling a product line you are passionate about. For starters, you are more likely to know what is trending without doing research, or what products complement one another. It will also be easier for you to respond to the questions customers have before they place their order. Even if you are not familiar with every single item in your store, you are likely to be more excited about your new online business if you are familiar with what you are selling.

Do Your Research

Even if you select a product niche that you are familiar with, you will still need to do preliminary and ongoing research to ensure that your store is stocked with trending products. This goes beyond general products, but also to the brand, make, model, and even the color that people are currently searching for.

Eden P Host will not only design a stunning ecommerce website for your new online store, but we will ensure it is SEO optimized to generate ample organic traffic. We can even provide your ongoing online marketing!

Friday, 12 August 2016

Could You Double Your Income With An Ecommerce Store?

If you currently own a brick and mortar business, you might be weighing the pros and cons of launching an e-commerce store. In fact, you may be putting it off because it sounds like more work in your already busy schedule. But would you reconsider if you were able to double your current income by adding an e-commerce store? Or even if you were to increase your income by 25%? It really is possible, here’s how.

Expand Beyond Your Current Service Area

By selling your products or services online, you will be able to reach your target audience beyond Ontario—and even outside of Canada if you wish. The choice is entirely up to you where you sell to, but just imagine the impact if you secured even 20 new regular customers on a monthly basis.

Reduce Your Overhead

While you may need to work a few more hours each day to process your orders and interact with your new online client base, the additional labor is far more flexible than when corresponding with live clients. In fact, you may be able to squeeze in much of your online responsibilities during your slow hours of day. This means that your sales can increase, with a minimal investment in additional labor or overhead. 

Convenience Increases Sales From Your Local Consumers

While your original goal in working with an ecommerce website designer is to reach a new audience base, the convenience of online orders or pre-ordering through an app is likely to increase the frequency in which your current customers place orders with you. Combine that with local SEO, and you will attract even more customers in your local service area—both online, and those who find you online and head in to your store to shop in person.

Even if your sales do not double, transitioning from a standard website to an ecommerce website design stands to significantly boost your business!


Are You An Accidental Cyber Stalker?

The ability to instantly Google, friend request, or follow anyone whose first and last name you know, or who you have a mutual friend with on Facebook—makes it easy to connect. But where is the fine line between connecting and curiosity, and cyberstalking?  If not cyber stalking, is it unhealthy behavior? Below are a few signs you may have crossed the line. 

Have You Ever Caught Yourself Talking To A Stranger About Information You Obtained About Them Online?

Even if you are “friends” online, and their social profile is public, or you obtained their information from their business website—it is a bit presumptuous to discuss what you have learned about someone you don’t know, as though it is common knowledge. 

Do You Try to Find Common Interests From Online Information?

So maybe you have a first date with someone you barely know. So what do you do? You friend request them, then scroll through posts and pics for some common topics for discussion. This is normal right? If you plan your entire date or conversation around the information you learn, you lose out on the opportunity to organically connect and find mutual interests. 

Do You Feel As If You “Know” Someone You Really Don’t Know?

Have you ever caught yourself speaking about someone you barely know, but feel as though you know them from their social media posts—or their online information? While you might discover that you have some common ground, don’t forget that online information is not actual engagement, and that their photos and posts aren’t always an accurate reflection of their interests. Do you really want to take your date to their favorite restaurant with their ex?  

Have You Ever Set Up A Fake Account Or Showed Up At An Event Because You Found Out Online That Someone You Want To Know Better Will Be There?

This is where it really starts to cross the line. While most of us are guilty of occasionally “researching” a bit longer than we should, but when you take your interest from online to live—there may be reason for concern. Or if you have attempted to deceive a person by setting up a fake online persona to engage with them, your deceptiveness is concerning. 

The statistics vary, but many experts show that cyberstalking has increased by 30% or more with the invention of the Internet. Research also shows that emotionally recovering from a breakup can be significantly delayed by the temptation to research online. If you have spent more time researching someone online than you have spent with them in person in the recent times, it’s probably time to reign it in a bit.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Increase Your Productivity At Work

Do you find that your productivity has recently decreased, or that there simply isn’t enough time in the day? As communication methods continue to evolve, and your Toronto business expands to a global clientele—it has never been more difficult to manage time. The tips below will help you to make the most of your workday, without sacrificing balance in your personal schedule.

Make A List And Tackle Your Largest Project First:

Keep an electronic to-do list that, if needed, can be shared with your colleagues. Start each day out by chipping away at your largest project, or at the project you like the least—that way you get the hard part out of the way. Check your email and voice mail first thing each day to see if you need to add, remove, or update your list in any way.

Delegate Or Outsource Tasks That Don’t Require Your Expertise:

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should. Make a list of your weekly and monthly tasks to identify recurring tasks that can be delegated or outsourced. For example, your intern or assistant can be the one to input the data required for you to analyze your weekly PNL. When it comes to outsourcing, take the items off your plate that someone with a specialized skill set can perform for you—often with a greater ROI. For example, outsource your social media optimization to a Toronto-based SEO company.

Schedule Distraction-Free Blocks Of Time:

Multitasking in our electronically driven world is harder than ever. The constant electronic distractions can make it challenging to focus on the task at hand. While it might seem as though you are getting more done by responding instantly to all emails, and taking all incoming calls, you are likely to be 25% more productive if you can schedule some distraction-free blocks of time each day. Aim for at least two 1-hour blocks each day, or one 2-hour block of time.

If you are looking to take online, mobile, and social media marketing off your plate—the team at Eden P Host is at your service!

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

3 Reasons Your Page Rank Has Tanked

One thing that every website owner has in common, is the desire to achieve a high page rank, on both your individual pages and posts, and your overall rank. As you develop internet marketing strategies to improve your page rank, you may be disappointed to find that your page rank has tanked. Even if you rank was not high to begin with, you never want to see it move in the wrong direct. Below are 3 reasons why you may notice a sudden nose dive.

internet marketing

You Have Changed Your Content

You must periodically update or add new static content so that it accurately reflects your products and services, but also to update and diversify your keywords. Sometimes these changes will bump you down a page or two, but in most cases your page rank will recover. However, you must ensure that any and all new content and keywords is quality. A few quick tips:

- Perform updated keyword research, and diversify the keywords on your pages
- Aim to add at least 300 words to most static pages, so that Google is more likely to crawl your pages
- Don’t forget to SEO optimize your images
- Post only original content, no copy and pasting from other sources

Keyword Stuffing

More keywords is not better, so avoid the temptation to “stuff” keywords, instead let them flow naturally. If you have repetitively stuffed your content with keywords, search engines will translate this as you trying to manipulate your results. Search engine algorithms know what to look for, and will instead penalize you for your keyword stuffing.

Your Not Responsive

Mobilegeddon aside, your website visitors expect your website to be mobile responsive. It is a plain and simple fact: if a client visits your website on a smartphone or notebook, and your website does not automatically adjust — they will go elsewhere. The more “bounces” you have, the more your page rank will fall — even your desktop results. We know that managing your website content and online marketing can be overwhelming, which is why we offer affordable website packages for Canadian business owners.


Thursday, 23 June 2016

Should You Build Your Own Website?

e commerce websites

Many of Canada’s brightest small business owners have a natural tendency to tackle new projects. However, even the most talented of entrepreneurs must know when to leave a project in the hands of a skilled professional.

You Can Build Your Own, But You Will Be Limited

Yes, WordPress, Square, and many other DIY “drop and drag” website builders are there for you to use. While they all enable you to build your own website, the site will be limited. Drag and drop features aside, every website needs some custom code to ensure that it has all the features and functions you require. Coding is a highly technical skill, and is a constantly evolving skill—which is why you need a pro.

You Are Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

Without a doubt, there is a sense of accomplishment when you teach yourself how to do something new. However, as a business owner, the best place to invest your time—is in building your business, and tending to your clients. Learning how to build a website is likely to take several weeks—or more. This goes beyond determining a layout, but to curating the web content, designing a logo, adding photos and videos, and selecting your web pages. A professional can give you a much better turnaround time, and deliver the exact website you desire.

You Need More Than Just A Website

It’s not enough to just “have” a website, but your website layout must be user-friendly, the design modern, and the SEO built-in. Since web design trends and search engine algorithms change constantly, you need a professional website designer to ensure that your website is optimized, responsive, and modern.

Websites Need To Be Secure

Another benefit of working with a website designer, is that they will listen to your specific needs—and build your website accordingly. All websites required secure hosting, e commerce websites require additional security, and every website needs to be backed-up. Your designer will talk you through your options, and ensure all bases are covered.

There Are A Few Things You Can Learn

If you are in need of an e-commerce website, you will certainly have to learn a few things about your website’s back of house. You will need to learn how to process orders, and many website owners also learn how to post some of their own blog posts.

So yes, you can build your own website—but that certainly does not mean that you should.  I mean, you could give yourself a root cannel, but should you? The pros of hiring a professional website designer outweigh the cons by a landslide.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Will Apps And Internet Replace TV?

Between Netflix, HBONow, AmazonPrime, and Hulu it is possible to watch just about any movie or show you love on your preferred electronic device—even when on-the-go. Combine that with the award-winning streamed shows found on these online-only movie and sitcom apps, and more people are ditching their satellites and cable.

Convenience Is Key

One of the reasons that streaming apps are so popular, is because they are convenient. Not only can you watch the shows you want on your device of choice, but you can watch them at any time of day or night. You also have access to a mix of both current and timeless classics. Avid fans of sitcom series enjoy watching their favorite shows without commercials, or backtracking and watching the series from the beginning.

The Price Is Right

Prices vary by carrier, and by your local service area—but cable has become quite expensive. The annual price for all of the streaming channels above, is the equivalent to about 4 months of a mid-level cable package. That is essentially like having the remaining 8 months for free. And you can share your streaming with multiple members of your family.

What Does This Shift Mean For You?

As an Internet marketing company serving Toronto, we keep a close eye on all emerging opportunities for marketing your business on the web. One of the many “perks” of streaming, is that streaming is commercial-free. TV commercials are a huge source of revenue for TV stations, so as more viewers ditch cable—it is inevitable that new methods of online/mobile advertising will continue to evolve.

While streaming may remain commercial-free, we expect to see more in-app ads placed on streaming apps— or more partnership ad opportunities. Since online advertising is less expensive than most offline marketing, the emerging methods of marketing and mobile development may fit easily into your marketing budget.

Popular Types Of Online Marketing Defined

Just as with offline marketing, there are a multitude of options when it comes to how you can market your business online. While there are too many types of online marketing to define in one quick post, there are a few types of marketing you should familiarize yourself with.

Email Marketing

Email marketing goes beyond sending group emails to your customers. Make things easy by adding an an opt-in box to your website so that you can quickly and easily manage your mailing list. If you have an e-commerce store, also add an opt-in email option during the checkout process.

online marketing toronto

Video Marketing

One of the great things about video marketing, is that there are so many fun ways you can use video to market your product or services. From candid videos, to Vines, instructional videos, product demos, and even mini commercials. You can shoot your video yourself, or invest in animated videos.

Social Media Marketing

You have many options when it comes to social media marketing. From posting daily in an effort to connect and engage, to investing in paid social marketing campaigns. As a social media marketing company serving Toronto, Canada—we can take all aspects of your online marketing off your plate.

Content Marketing

Content marketing takes on many forms. This includes blogging, posting articles on LinkedIn, investing in sponsored posts in online publications, or posting articles on community blogs—all in hopes of creating more links to and from your primary website.

Paid Ads

Just as with offline marketing, you can place paid ads in multiple places on the web. This includes fairly traditional ads, as well as PPC ads, mobile ads, and programmatic ad exchanges.

You don’t have to be an internet marketer to successfully market your business online, but for best results—turn to tenured online marketing company Eden P Host!

Driving Organic Traffic To Your Website

While every Toronto business owner must invest in online marketing, you must also capitalize on your organic traffic. There are a few small yet meaningful changes that you can make that will increase your organic traffic.

Locally Optimized Content

Whether speaking of your website content, blog posts, social media, or external articles—make sure that you capitalize on local optimization. If you are unsure of where to begin, Eden P Host offers local SEO services designed to get your content up-to-date. This includes optimizing for your city, surrounding service area, and even optimizing for local trends, events, and phrases.

local seo services
Get Social

Social media plays a vital role in creating organic backlinks to and from your website and social profiles. Invest in our SMO services to setup new social profiles, or to optimize current profiles. Also, don’t be shy about asking your customers to follow you on Facebook. Keep things fun, by finding ways to drive engagement—such as hosting contests or offering online-only promotions.

Create An Email Opt-In

Your regular customers want to know what you are up to, and they want to be the first to hear about your sales and promotions. As long as you don’t overdo it with frequent emails and sales-heavy content—your customers will continue to read your emails. Increase opt-ins by offering something free, such as a coupon code or a free e-book.

Don’t Be Shy—Tell Your Customers About Your Online Profiles

Don’t be shy about spreading the word about your website and social media profiles. If you operate a brick and mortar location, tell your customers about your social profiles. If you operate an online-only business, add your website and social media URLs to your flyers, business cards, invoices, packing slips, and any print marketing materials. Add your URL to your email signature, social media profiles, offline marketing, and any places you post online.

Internal And External Links

Every blog you post should include one or two internal links. Internal links are the highlighted links that direct back to another page on your website—or when relevant, another blog post. When relevant, add links to “official sources”, such as linking back to the research that supports the statistics or facts you blog about. External links were mentioned above, but this goes beyond simply posting your website URL—and to linking to relevant pages and posts on your website. When it comes to link building, periodically audit your website for bad links which can negatively impact your search engine results.

While all of the tips above will help you to drive the maximum amount of organic traffic to your website, investing in online marketing and local SEO services is the best way to drive a steady stream of traffic to your website and online platforms. 

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The Art Of Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is simply too important to ignore. As you rethink your marketing mix, you may be wondering just how much you should invest in mobile. While investing in mobile is a must, it is how you rely on mobile that matters most. Our local SEO services include a range of online and mobile advertising options

Mobile Marketing Is Still Fairly New

Mobile marketing is still fairly new and is drastically different than general online marketing. In order to be effective, your ads must stand out yet blend in. They must be placed in relevant mobile locations, but be unobtrusive. You must test and explore new keywords, but also consider a secondary set of mobile keywords that are more common when using voice search. Last but not least, you must test different methods of mobile marketing to determine which ones are most relevant and deliver the best results for your brand.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Is Wallet still a thing !

Smartphone and smartwatch adoption are at an all-time high in Canada and the United States. While the initial role mobile phones played was to make phone calls, for most, taking and receiving phone calls has become one of the lesser used functions of smartphones. From texting, social media, calendar, alarms and alerts, gaming, videos, photos, and surfing the web—we rely heavily on our smartphones. Yet paying with your mobile is a slowly growing trend that is likely to shift drastically in the next 2 -3 years due to  Mobile Point Of Sale. (mPOS)


Many consumer’s express reservations regarding mobile payment processing, but for those of us who remember, there were similar reservations when online shopping was born. Now online shopping is for many a regular occurrence. 

Eden P Host
Most consumers have adopted some form of mobile payment processing, such as purchasing music, apps, or making in-app purchases. In order to make such purchases, a credit or debit card is kept on file—or some purchases, bill as a subscription service to your cell phone bill—such as HBO Now. Slowly but surely, we are getting more comfortable with mobile payment processing.


On the in-person retail side, apps and gadgets allow retailers to process payments by swiping a debit or credit card and processing through their smartphone or notebook. 

On the consumer side some apps allow you to “reload” your account and pay with only your mobile phone while in-store. The most successful of this type of app so far are the Starbucks app.

While out and about, you can even send money to friends. For example, if you join a large group for dinner, one friend can pay the bill—and the rest of you can send them your portion of the bill via ChasePay or even PayPal.


While the payment processing options above are certainly part of the equation, it is the mobile wallet that could allow you to leave your cash, debit, and credit cards at home. With apps like Android Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal, you can store your payment information securely—and scan to pay for your purchases. While you still may need photo ID, the need to carry a traditional wallet may soon be a personal preference—but not a requirement.

Furthermore, SAY HELLO TO  TO CLOUD WALLET: Cloud Wallet is a newborn baby, it is a new phenomenon ...users and as well as digital marketers haven't touched its surface yet.

The largest area of opportunity mobile payment processors and mobile wallets have, is to provide users with the confidence and peace of mind that if their phone is lost or stolen—that sufficient security measures are in place, and that they have fraud protection with their mobile wallets equivalent to that of a debit or credit card.  

Very soon losing a mobile phone/gadget will not be a matter as long as you have your Cloud Wallet information you can restore your lost.

For more info. Please visit:

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Google?

As a Toronto SEO company, our job is to keep a close eye on all factors that may negatively or positively affect your online and mobile success. This includes taking a look at emerging technology that may at some point in the near future change the way your customers search for your products or services. After all, in order to ride a wave, you must see it coming first!


The average person now performs more mobile searches a day than they do on desktop computers. This is fact. Did you know that 89% of online user’s time spent on media is actually through mobile apps? Even if a desktop computer is used for daily work, when it comes to surfing the web, mobile devices are the computer of choice. 

seo services canada

While our current focus is ensuring that our Toronto search engine optimization improves both your online and mobile search results, we have our eye on artificial intelligence. As mobile search continues to increase, the use of voice recognition or voice UI (user interface) tools to search the web has become a daily norm for many. From Siri, to Alexa, Jibo, and Facebook M—UIs are becoming virtual assistants of the near future. 

In an effort to take things to the next level, the original Siri developers have created a new UI that they see evolving into more than a virtual assistant or voice recognition tool: an artificial intelligence (AI) used to change the way we search the web. Viv is its name, and it has a bit more work before its full capabilities are ready for the public. If Viv goes in the direction they suspect, AI stands to eliminate the need for traditional search engines—and maybe even some of your mobile apps.


The way we speak differs from the way we search for information when typing. For example, you might type “SEO Canada” into Google—but if using a UI, you may say, “What are the best SEO  in Toronto, Canada?” What this means is the way we optimize your website and online content has changed. 

Only time will tell how UIs and AI will affect SEO, but rest assured that the Eden P Host team is keeping a close eye.

Responsive Website Develop—Mobile Myths Busted

All websites should be mobile responsive, but there are a few myths and misconceptions that keep some website owners sticking with their non-responsive web design. Below we bust these myths and help you understand the importance of mobile website design.


While the Millennial age group certainly spends more time on their mobile devices, mobile web browsing has surpassed online web browsing in almost every age group. On top of that, mobile search results are now as easy to track as desktop results, meaning that your website has both a mobile page rank and a desktop page rank.

responsive development websites
responsive development Toronto

While this motto may apply in many areas of life and business, it does not apply when speaking in terms of Toronto responsive website development. Even if your current page rank is high, it is unlikely that it will stay that way. Those searching for you online lack the patience to attempt to navigate a website that does not automatically format to their smaller mobile screens. Eventually, your page rank will take a nosedive if you do not upgrade to responsive.


Last but certainly not least, if you have not upgraded to responsive—then you are also behind the curve in terms of SEO. Responsive website development has become the industry norm, meaning that if you still have a standard website, that you are overdue for an SEO update. This includes optimizing the overall website design, updating keywords, adding relevant images and media, and refreshing all website content.

Our goal at Eden P Host is to ensure that Toronto business owners understand the online landscape, including the importance of mobile responsive web design. As a responsive website development company, we can update your current website, and provide your ongoing online and mobile marketing. 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Does Your Small Business Need A Mobile App?

There are so many apps out there that, it might be hard for you to imagine that you could deliver an app that provides a solution that your customers are looking for. However, creating an app might just be what your small business needs to gain a competitive edge. Below are a few ideas for how your mobile app can add value.

A Mobile App Designed For Convenience

You can’t have an app designed just for the sake of having an app design, but to offer your customers something they want or need. Your industry or business will determine what convenience factors your customers are searching for, but here are a couple of examples for inspiration.

Appointment scheduling/reminders
Preordering food
Detailed company info: locations, menu, service list, current promotions, etc.

Product Or Service Related App

An app can also be designed to complement your current product or services. A couple of examples include storing notes, an organized shopping list, a goal tracker, or health tracker. However, feel free to get a bit creative by developing secondary products or services available only via your app.

Connect And Engage

More than anything, the goal of your app should be to connect and engage with your customers. Apps create an additional gateway for direct marketing, and can even be used for 2-way communication. Since mobile phone use continues to do nothing but increase, having your app visible on your customer’s screen will help to keep you top of mind. You can even offer special promotions only to your app subscribers.

An Additional Stream Of Income

Your app can serve many purposes, but your primary goal may be to create an additional stream of income. You can essentially sell the same items you have in your retail location or ecommerce website, within your new mobile app. You can even monetize your app by allowing for relevant and well-placed advertisements.

An App Is An Additional Commitment

What all small business owners must understand, is that apps are an ongoing commitment. Your new app will need to be marketed, and depending on the functions it performs—may create new daily responsibilities. For example, processing product orders placed through the app, or responding to 2-way communication. Just as with your website, periodic updates are required.

If you are ready to have a custom app designed for your small business, reach out to Eden P Host today. We can design an app that supports your brand, and helps you to connect with you customers on a whole new level.

For more information, Please visit at our website

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Best Internet Marketing service to Achieve your Target Traffic

Internet marketing is the best way to promoting your business online and helps get new customers from a large customer base. With the Internet at your service, the opportunities for success are many and you just have to be working in the right direction to make the best of those opportunities. Hiring the best Internet marketing company in Toronto will give you an edge over your competitors so that you can be ahead of them. You need to make sure that the marketing company is flexible in approach so they can create a marketing strategy for your business as per the requirements and ideas of your business. The team of strategists should be able to use all the available tools of Internet marketing to give you a positive presence online.

Internet marketing company Toronto offers you the following advantages:

Creating Better Web Content Strategies
The company offering Internet marketing services will make sure that your web content is unique, and it provides information in an interesting way. This will appeal to the prospective customers, and the website traffic will increase.

Engaging Newsletters
The Internet marketing agency will target your customer base, and keep in touch with them using newsletters. This will help you to offer better customer service.

Using Popular Blogs
A smart marketing strategy is reliable and connects your business blog with other blogs that are famous that have a large following. This increases the visibility of your business on the Internet, and it will also reflect in higher ranks on the search engine results.

Hire the Top Social Media Company Toronto For Social Media Optimization

Apart from responsive business website and mobile apps, the next step for promoting your business is the social media. It is one of the most influential factors these days. Even the search engine results are taking note of the response of customers about a link on social media. So many of us rush to our news feeds for information now a day than going straight to the news source. 

So, it is important to make your presence on social media a solid one so that people are aware of your product or services. You can choose one of the top social media marketing agencies, as they have skilled experts to promote your business in the social media. We understand and grasp the concept of your business and create a strategy so that all the information regarding your services or products posted as quality content on the social media. The schedule of such trends on the social media is also decided and customized to offer you best exposure on these platforms.

Reasons for hiring best agency for social media optimization

It is important that you hire the top social media marketing service as only experts can handle the ever changing trends on various social media platforms.
The team of researchers makes a better analysis of the product and its requirement before coming up with a customized strategy for marketing it on social media. This customization results in increased traffic as well as increased revenue.
The social tagging and bookmarking services are specifically made for your business, and the presence of your business in the online market is well planned and executed.

Social media is a very important platform where customers can make a great impact on your business, so hiring the services of the best company in the business is always a great strategy.

Why get a Business Mobile App Designed by One of the Top App Development Companies

A website is the first step for any business to venture online. Creating a mobile app is the next step. And the wave is coming! Many of the biggest search engines have already changed the way they display information to better suit mobile users. It goes without saying that these customers are accessing the Internet on their smart phones and tablets; they prefer to use specific mobile apps which help them visit your website easily and quickly. As the mobile App is in the smartphone, the customers need not go through various search engines to reach your business website. 

The best mobile apps development company will see to it that your business mobile app is a powerful tool that will promote your business and offer great user experience to the customer.

Benefits of Building a Mobile Business App

Customers are more aware of your business so your business can become a brand name.
It creates a new source of customer traffic, which will result in increased revenue.
You will be able to get the feedback about your products from the customers as the app will work as a feedback tool as well.

When the mobile app of your business is developed by an expert mobile apps development company, it will give you an edge over your competitors. You can get customized and unique mobile app for your business at affordable prices. Look for a company that will also offer you technical support in case there are some operational glitches.

Offer Safe mode of Payment to Your Customers with PayPal

When you are thinking of expanding your business through online channels, and you also have a business website already, you have to start taking care of the payment options available for your customers. When customers buy products from your online store, they need to have a way through which they can make payments for the purchases made by them. However, you have to make sure that there is a safe and secure way of payment so that all the online transactions of your customers are safe. It is necessary to have a payment solution, which is easy to use and offers security to your customers.

PayPal is one such payment solution which is widely used all over the world. An experienced website development agency will help you in the services of PayPal gateway integration so that your customers will be able to make payments quickly and without any hassles.

Advantages of having PayPal Integration Services on your website:

Fast Checkout
With the express checkout feature, which is only available at PayPal, your account needs to be verified, and the process of payment is very fast.

Direct payment method
With this method, the payments can be processed with an API call and any website using the PayPal gateway system will be able to use this method. This will guarantee customer satisfaction.

Method of Recurring payment
 When there is a repeated order for a particular product from a customer, then this payment method can be used. This will help you in creating a better customer relationship. Customers will be happy as it will make the whole payment process swift and secure.

Engage Top E-Commerce Website Development Firm for Better Results

When you wish to expand your business online, the first and most important thing is to have a business website which will mark your virtual presence online. Developing an e-commerce website is a job that should be done by the experts in the field. Hiring the best e-commerce website designer Toronto will make this easier for your business. Expert designers and developers will make your website efficient and effective with practical solutions. They design your e-commerce website as per the unique requirements of your business to ensure better return on your valuable investment.

Benefits of hiring services of e-commerce website development company Toronto

The customized website for your business will help in enhancing the business operations.
Affordable services with no compromise on the quality are provided to you.
High rate of conversion from internet traffic to actual product sales.
An interactive experience for the visitor so that the customer can easily view and navigate your website.
Generates high traffic to your business website with great web features in place.

When you hire an experienced e-commerce website design company Toronto, you will get the best possible design for your business website. These expert developers are aware of the new trends in the online marketing and they will make sure that your website is as unique and different as possible. The team of developers will also help to make changes to your website as per the changes in your business.